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Hirayama Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Reminder: SART survey info

Posted Date: 3/04/25 (8:12 PM)

Good afternoon, Hirayama families!
Last week, you should have received an email about participating in a survey about our school. The email was sent from "CUSD SART Survey" via Thought Exchange. We have learned that for many people, the email went to their junk folder. Every year, each school asks parents for feedback as a means to celebrate wins and learn about areas that may need more attention from the school staff. We hope you will take the time to complete this survey and share your experience at Hirayama with us. We would really appreciate all of our families taking about 10 minutes to complete this survey.
I am attaching a flier with a few bullet points. These points highlight areas that have made me incredibly proud of our students and staff. They are organized into the three areas of the CUSD's mission to maximize student potential in mind, body, and spirit. In the area of mind, 80% of our students are nearly at or have already reached grade level on iReady diagnostics, and we still have one-third of the year left! We have also been able to designate 10% of our English Learner students as bilingual in their native language and in English. We are expecting more students to receive this designation after our end-of-year testing. We are also very proud of our built-in systems for helping kids at all levels in all classrooms via our intervention team and small group instruction in our classrooms. In the area of body, we are happy to have fielded teams in all CUSD sports. Our cheer team grew to 29 cheerleaders and brought out school spirit all over campus. We are also in the middle of our annual Physical Fitness Testing and are expecting more than 80% of our students to be in the Healthy Fitness Zone. In the area of spirit, we are very proud of our cultural lunchtime activities that help kids to be proud of their own identity and learn about the diversity of others on our campus. Our very first Oral Interpretation team earned a Superior rating at the festival; this is the highest score possible! Finally, we have 90% of our upper-grade students involved in a club, sport, or co-curricular! Your kids are truly amazing!
We appreciate you and your ongoing partnership. Here's to Bringing The Heat!
With admiration,
Mrs. Reynolds